Are You Financially Fit?
Just like physical fitness relies on eating well and exercising, financial fitness relies on you
doing a few important things.
Fixed Indexed Annuities Can Help
A Fixed Indexed Annuity helps to boost your retirement savings through an interest crediting process of interest that is based, in part, on the change in index. This “indexing” approach can offer you greater accumulation potential than fixed annuities or other fixed-interest products that typically have limited upside opportunities.
Never Lose a Penny
Premiums paid and interest credited are not subject to market risk with our 0% floor
You have control with flexible premium options, withdrawal features and a wide choice of
crediting strategies to allocate your values.
A closer look at Fixed Indexed Annuities (FIAs)
A Fixed indexed annuity is a type of annuity contract that can credit interest based on the performance of an index, like the S&P 500, without actually participating in the stock market.
Fixed Indexed Annuities Can Provide:
• Tax Deferral
• Guaranteed Accumulation Value
• Guaranteed safety of premiums paid and interest earned
• Potential for higher interest crediting than traditional fixed annuities
• Death Benefit Protection - upon death, the accumulated value passes to your beneficiaries
Already saving pre-tax?
If you are already saving through an IRA, 403(b) or 457, these plans allow you to save pre-tax and defer
taxes on interest you earn.
This annuity may be a good choice for your qualified retirement plan. Remember,
annuities off er the benefit of guaranteed accumulation and guaranteed safety of premiums and earnings.
The Power of Tax Deferral
Annuities receive a tax benefit in the form of tax deferral on earnings. This means that the interest you are credited today won’t be taxed until you decide to withdraw it and can help further build your retirement savings.
How Your Annuity Grows
Step 1: You pay a premium to the insurance company.
Step 2: Each month your premiums are held at interest until they are swept into the crediting
strategies of your choice. The Participation Rates, Caps, and Declared Rate applicable for the next year
are determined at this time.
Step 3: For the Declared crediting strategy, interest is credited daily for
the next year. For the other crediting strategies, on the first anniversary of
the sweep date, we determine if any indexed interest will be credited based
on movements in that index over the one-year period and adjusted for the
Participation Rates and Caps, determined at the beginning of the year.
How Does Indexed Interest Crediting Work?
If the index goes up, you may earn interest, but if the index goes down, your principal and interest earned are protected from loss. Indexed interest accounts calculate interest using a Participate Rate or Cap that is declared in advance.
The Participation Rate
The percentage of the change of the index that you will participate in when calculating the interest that you will earn – for example, 70% of the index increase.
The Cap
A maximum amount of interest that will be credited to a strategy.
Annual Cap – For example, on a strategy that has an annual Cap of 3%, if the index goes up between 0% to 3%, then you are credited interest equal to that rise. If the index rises over 3% you are credited the maximum Cap of 3%.
Monthly Sum Cap – For strategies using the Monthly Sum method with a 1.25% monthly cap,
the monthly index change used to determine the annual interest credit is capped at +1.25%. There
is no negative monthly cap, but the sum of the 12 months is protected by the 0% floor.
What is a market index?
A market index is a metric that tracks the performance of a group of stocks or other
investments to give an indication of the overall performance of the market. An investment cannot be
made directly into an index.
Common Market Indexes
• S&P 500
• Dow Jones Industrial Average
• Russell Index
Interest Crediting and Indexed Strategies
Interest Crediting Strategies
Declared Crediting Strategy
Interest is credited daily at a declared effective annual interest rate. We set the rate in advance of each one-year crediting period.
Annual Point-to-Point
Interest is credited based in part on the change in the index from the beginning of the year to the end of the
year. Interest is determined by applying the Cap or Participation rate on the index change.
Annual Monthly Sum Cap
Interest is credited based in part on the 12 monthly changes in the S&P 500 during the year. Interest is
determined by applying the Cap to each monthly change then totaling the 12 capped monthly changes (both positive and negative).
Indexed Strategies
The US Fundamental Balanced Index
This index aims to minimize volatility through a blend of US Equities, US Treasuries and Cash. The asset classes are rebalanced daily to seek to minimize risk and the mix of US Equities is revised quarterly. This index was created and is owned by PIMCO.
The Global Balanced Index
This index aims to enhance risk-adjusted returns by tracking a blend of global asset classes: equities,
bonds and commodities. The index composition is rebalanced among asset classes monthly based on
the SG Sentiment Indicator. This indicator is made up of six cross asset market risk measures. The overall
allocation is then reviewed daily to reduce market exposure in case of high volatility. This index was
created and owned by Société Générale.
S&P 500
The S&P 500 is a weighted index of 500 leading U.S. publicly traded companies by market value and is one
of the most common benchmarks for the broader U.S. equity markets.
Additional Benefits
Your Annuity provides many additional benefits at no additional cost, such as:
Nursing Care and Terminal Illness Riders (in states where approved)
These riders give you peace of mind knowing that in case of a qualifying medical event, you can access up
to $250,000 of your money at any time without paying a withdrawal charge.
10% Free Withdrawal in Policy Years 2+
We know there are times when you may need to access your policy values. That is why you can take up to 10% per year from your policy without a withdrawal charge, if available by law.
Required Minimum Distributions
Surrender charges will not be applied to any amounts withdrawn from your policy to satisfy IRS-required
minimum distributions.
Growth Special Features
Emergency Access Waiver
Available on FIT Retirement Series products currently
in 403(b) or 457(b) status (types of retirement plans) and
policy is eligible for a distribution.
For 403(b) Hardship or 457(b) Unforeseen Emergency
• Policy must be in force for one year and distribution payable to the annuitant is approved by the Plan/Third Party Administrator (TPA)
• All Withdrawal Charges and Market Value Adjustment (MVA) are waived
For separation from service or disability
• Policy must be in force for one year and the Policy owner must be separated from service from the plan
sponsor or disabled
• Withdrawal Charge and MVA are waived on – 20% of the accumulation value in years 2-4
– 100% of the accumulation value in years 5+ Distribution is subject to IRS taxes and, if applicable, IRS
10% early distribution penalty
Policy Loans
If you own FIT Secure Growth within an employer’s retirement plan, and if your plan allows for policy loans,
you may take a loan from your FIT Secure Growth policy in accordance with the provisions of the plan.